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Brady: Convict #3944

Brady - Frederick AKA John; James; Frederick Joseph



BRADY Frederick

AKA John; James; Frederick Joseph

Convict 3944

1833 - 19 December 1886


Henry "Harry" Brady (b. 19 January 1887) maintained that his father, Frederick Brady, came from Ireland. DNA testing in 2016 as proven that our BRADY line so far is from St Pancras, London, England. More Brady descendants DNA testing is required to lock this in so anyone wanting to test please make contact.


The free Colony of Western Australia was proclaimed in June 1829.

Unlike New South Wales and Tasmania, no British convicts were to be sent to Western Australia. However, on the 1st May 1849 Western Australia was nominated as a penal settlement by the British Order in Council. The Western Australian Legislative Council passed laws to control convicts in December 1849.

The first 75 convicts arrived on the Scindian on 1 June 1850. On 10 January 1868, 229 convicts arrived on the Hougoumont -the last convict ship to Australia.

In all some 9,500 male British male convicts were transported to the Colony of Western Australia between 1850 and 1868. The reason that there are British convicts with numbers above 9,500 is that numbering of the local (colonial) prisoners was intermixed with the transported convicts. Where known, local prisoners are also shown in the sequential list below.

Once a convict arrived in Western Australia, he (as no female convicts were sent to WA) was issued a convict number. As the whole of Western Australia was a single convict establishment, his number would not change. In British prisons the convict's number would change as he/she was moved from convict establishment to convict establishment.




John Brady (our Frederick) was convicted on (or around) the 18 of March 1854, with Elizabeth Rafferty and Mary Stanley (each 20 years transportation) and George Stone, Dennis Bennett, William Redden and perhaps Patrick Gilligan and Jabez Lloyd (each 15 years transportation) Stone, Bennett and Redden were transported to the Swan River Colony.

The Times of March 21 1854 (p.12) stated of the Northern Circuit of the County of Lancaster," The criminal calendar is very heavy..... 100 prisoners..... 1 murder (charge) ten manslaughter, 22 robbery, 11 housebreaks, 12 burglaries, 13 stabbings, 4 forgeries, 6 rapes, 1 bigamy, 2 concealing births."

From the "Liverpool Chronicle" on Saturday 25 March 1854, in a section reporting on the South Lancashire Assizes held in Liverpool the preceding week

"Garotte Robberies".

Tuesday 21 March 1854.

The first case of this kind was the atrocious case in which Mr Bibby, a cart owner residing in Toxteth-park was the victim. The prisoners were Thomas Brown, a sailor, John Brady, Elizabeth Rafferty and Mary Stanley - the latter both girls of 19.

On the evening of Tuesday, 17th February, Mr Bibby was proceeding home and had reached within a few yards of his own door, Number 11, Warwick-street, when he was attacked by the prisoners, with two other young men, at present unknown. They put something around his neck, which almost strangled him, strapped his arms over his chest, and knocked him down; and while he was down, the female prisoner, Rafferty, rifled his pockets. Mr Bibby was rendered insensible by the violence, and could only recognise Brown; but the transaction was witnessed by several young girls, who lived in the immediate neighbourhood, and who knew the prisoners by sight. Mr Bibby lost a £10 Bank of England note, a large amount of gold and silver, a silver pencil case, and a stamped receipt for some money. The jury found all the prisoners guilty. Brown had previously been convicted of felony. Sentence deferred.


The following account of the robbery appeared in the Liverpool Mercury on 14 March 1854.


Three disreputable females, named Elizabeth Rafferty, Mary Stanley, and Jane M'Kay, together with two young men, of a sailor-like appearance, named Thomas Brown and John Brady, were brought up on a charge of violently assaulting and robbing Mr Thomas Bibby, of Warwick-street, of a £10 note, £8 10s in gold, 6s, a stamped receipt for £10 and a knife. It appeared from the evidence that the prosecutor, who could hardly speak from the effects of the injuries he had received was proceeding to his residence in Warwick-street, between nine and ten o'clock on Tuesday night last ( being at the time somewhat under the influence of drink), when he was first assailed by two females, who jostled him. He pushed them away, upon which he was instantly surrounded by four men and the females, who threw something around his neck and attempted to strangle him, by which he was rendered insensible. Whilst the male prisoners were holding him the female prisoners turned out the prosecutor's pockets, and robbed him of his money, amounting in all to £18 10s, and the stamped receipt for ten pounds. The ruffians then decamped. Three girls, named Mary Bennett, Elizabeth Williams, and Maria Fowler, deposed to seeing the male and two of the female prisoners follow and take hold of the prosecutor. The outrage having been communicated to the police, Inspector Horne, from information received from Mr Woods, publican, who resides in the neighbourhood of Warwick-street, and who stated that the keeper of a disorderly house had wished him to change a £10 note, went into the house in question, and asked the keeper, a Mrs Connor, what account she had to give of the note. In reply she gave a description of the prisoners, and Inspector Horne and a detective officer succeeded, after some difficulty, in apprehending the five prisoners in the same house, Mrs Connor deposed that that the prisoners came into her house at an early hour on Wednesday morning and sent her out for two quarts of ale, and on one of the occasions of going out one of the prisoners gave her a £10 note to get changed. This note she took Mr Woods, who refused to cash it; upon which the woman returned it, and Brown took it into his possession. Another female, who had been in the preceding witness's house, stated that the prisoners asked her the value of the stamped receipt, and on being told it was worthless, being the receipt for the payment of £10 for a cart, the document was burnt. Mr Woods said that the female Connor, upon his refusing to change the £10 note, offered to give him 10s as an inducement to do so, but he would not have anything to do with it, as he suspected a robbery had taken place. As there was no evidence to implicate the prisoner M'Kay in the robbery, further than she was found in the house with the others by the officers she was discharged. Brown, Brady, Rafferty, and Stanley were remanded, the magistrate intimating that it was his intention to send them to trial at the assizes. The officers were directed to take active steps to apprehend, if possible, the other two female assailants.


Thursday 23 March 1854

Before Mr Justice Cresswell.

Sentences - "R.(sic) Brown, John Brady, Elizabeth Rafferty and Mary Stanley - garrote robbery at Liverpool, 20 years transportation."

Liverpool Assizes papers are held at the Public Records Office in Kew, London, and may give further details about James/John (eg. age, address, origins).

James/John was obviously living in the vicinity of Warwick Street as he was recognised by "several young girls living in the immediate neighbourhood". There is a chance he might be on the 1851 census Warwick Street still exists - it runs straight up at right angles to the docks in what would, by 1854, have been an area of increasingly lower class standing (by the 1880's it was real slum housing for the poorest of the poor).




Name Christian Name(s) Reg No Term Age-S Trial Place Day Mth Year Criminal Offence

Brady James 3944 20y 22 Liverpool .. .. 1854 Robbery with violence

Brown Thomas 3850 20y 22 Liverpool .. .. 1854 Robbery with violence

Bennett Denis 3905 15y 19 Liverpool .. .. 1854 Robbery with violence

Redden William 3860 15y 24 ... ... ... ... .. .. ....

Lloyd Jabez 3861 15y 34 Liverpool .. .. 1854 Robbery with violence


John was 5 feet one inches tall of sallow complexion, grey eyes light brown hair oval face and of middling to stout stature. He could not read or write, was of the Roman Catholic faith and had been a shoemaker. These details were listed on the shipping list.

He arrived in the Swan River Colony on the 'William Hammond' on March 29 1856. He was given prisoner number 3944.


149.5*28.6*19.0 Thompson & Co., London. Arrived 19 January1854, from Southampton 21 October 1853, Capt. H. Edwards (Register 20 January 1854). WILLIAM HAMMOND. f.r.ship, 683t H. EDWARDS Southampton 21.10.1853-1854

Adelaide, 19.1,w. migrants+Papers *PRO S.Aust GRG35/48/1854 same, etc, as CT.Plymouth, 5.1-Fremantle,29.3, with 249 male prisoners, = Surgeons journal, 1855-556 * AJCP PRO reel 3212

This 683 ton ship was built in Sunderland in 1853. It was employed as a convict transport for Western Australia and left Plymouth, England on January 5, 1856 bound for the Swan River Colony. She carried the sixteenth of 37 shipments of male convicts destined for Western Australia. The voyage took 84 days and the William Hammond arrived in Fremantle on March 29, 1856 with 89 passengers and 250 convicts [Erickson]. Horatio Edwards and George D. MacLaren were the captain and surgeon respectively.

There were no deaths recorded on the convict shipping and description lists and 250 convict numbers were assigned for the voyage ranging from (3722 to 3971). The [Bateson] claim that 250 convicts embarked and only 249 arrived does not agree with either [Erickson] or the convict lists mentioned above.

Of the 89 passengers mentioned above, all 89 were pensioner guards and their families, the number being made up of 29 pensioner guards, 20 wives, 25 sons and 15 daughters.

George D. MacLaren's surgeon's journal for the voyage is preserved in the Public Record Office (PRO) in London. Researchers can view a copy on the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP) microfilm reel 3212 which is held in most major libraries and archives offices throughout Australia.


Ticket Of Leave


He received a ticket of leave on April 20 1859 and a conditional pardon on December 12 1862.

He worked at Champion Bay (now Geraldton) Perth and Toodyay.

He was reconvicted in Perth on April 6 1871 for stealing from a dwelling house.

He was sentenced to 8 years. (Perth Gazette 7/4/71)

In the Dictionary of W.A. 1829 - 1914 Vol 4

BRADY Fred Joseph = (James John, b1834, (expiree).

Arr 1856 per WILLIAM HAMMOND, m 1876 M F Dee b 1858 - 1921, dtr of William and Ellen (nee Browning). She married a 2nd time in 1888 William Cardwell.

Dongara, Cobbler, shoemaker. Farmer "Avine". Employed 3 TL labourers 1866-1869. He was sent to Perth hospital in 1886. His wife and children were left destitute and were accommodated at the Women's Home and the orphanage.

Fredrick according to the Dongara Police Occurence book 1868 [in Batty Library] was visited by the local P.C. on his monthly rounds In 1869 he was summoned to attend the quarter sessions at Greenough and in 1870 assisted with the search for James Graham [lost in the bush] P.C.Stack refers to Fredrick as Bready [as spoken .] We know that Fredrick took sick and went to hospital in Perth, where he died leaving his wife and children destitute. The children were brought up in the orphanage now Swanleigh in Upper Swan.

James farmed "Avine" at Dongara and employed 4 t.o.l. men. James Taylor, convict number, 5061, Sam Bradford (9085), Henry Johnson (8608), Henry Lennon (8053). According to Land Index record 1880 S.D.U.R./B12/1385 in Brady's own handwriting requests on April 7 1880 "Dear sir I wish to aply (sic) for a block of land at the eight mile occupied (sic) by W.R. Knight to start 3 chain north of the water hole 400 east and 2500 south. signed F.J. Brady

On January 8 1876 he received a further ticket of leave and was granted a full pardon on September 29 1880.

Linked toFrederick BRADY (Convict Number)

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