George TREW

George TREW

Male 1827 - 1905  (77 years)   Has 12 ancestors and more than 100 descendants in this family tree.

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  • Name George TREW  [1, 2, 3
    Relationshipwith Rodney VOJVODICH
    Certificate of Birth 1827 
    Birth 10 Dec 1827  Framlingham, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Baptism 3 Jun 1832  Framlingham, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Census 31 Mar 1851 
    Probably in Jail awaiting trial. 
    Convict Number 1 Apr 1851  [4
    Crime 1 Apr 1851 
    Night Poaching & Malicious Wounding 
    Immigration: Dep. 22 Nov 1852  Plymouth, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Per "Dudbrook" 
    Immigration: Arr. 2 Feb 1853  Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Per "Dudbrook" (listed as Frew) 
    Ticket of Leave 5 Jan 1854 
    Pardon 9 Oct 1858 
    Census 31 Dec 1859  York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Newspaper Article 14 Aug 1867  [6
    Newspaper Article 27 Sep 1867  [7
    Newspaper Article 4 Oct 1867  [8
    Newspaper Article 29 Dec 1874  [9
    Newspaper Article 27 Mar 1875  [10
    Newspaper Article 8 Mar 1876  [11
    Newspaper Article 21 Jun 1876  [12
    Newspaper Article 4 Oct 1890  [13
    Newspaper Article 5 Oct 1896  [14
    Newspaper Article 6 Oct 1896  [15
    Certificate of Death 1905 
    Death Record 6 Jan 1905 
    #3001, CD 892693 
    Death 6 Jan 1905  York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Cause: Heart Failure 
    • Cut Hill
    Newspaper Article 7 Jan 1905  [16
    Newspaper Article 7 Jan 1905  [17
    Burial 7 Jan 1905  Cemetery, York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • #80-ANGLICAN-B
    Unmarked Grave
    Siblings 9 siblings 
    Patriarch & Matriarch
    Robert TREW,   b. UNKNOWN   d. DECEASED  (Great Grandfather) 
    Mary RUMSBY,   b. Abt 1761, Linstead, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. DECEASED  (Grandmother) 
    Siblings 5 brothers and 4 sisters 
    Person ID I997  MyBradyTree | BRADY, Ancestor of Darryl William BRADY , HT, Descendant of Convict George TREW
    Last Modified 2 Feb 2025 

    Father AncestorsNathaniel TREW,   b. Between 1785 and 1786, Framlingham, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Dec 1852, Framlingham, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 67 years) 
    Mother AncestorsMary Anne BORRETT,   b. Between 1786 and 1796, Saxton, Yorkshire, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Between 1854 and 1857, Rotherhithe, Surrey, England Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 68 years) 
    Marriage 4 Oct 1813  Saxtead, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [18
    • Together, they raised a family in nearby towns, settling in Framlingham, where Nathanial worked his 10 acre farm.
    Family ID F648  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 1 AncestorsHarriet FRIEND,   b. 1829, Parham, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 6 Sep 1853, Parham, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 24 years) 
    Marriage Bef 1850  England Find all individuals with events at this location 
     1. William TREW,   b. 4 May 1850, Framlingham, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. DECEASED
    Family ID F647  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 2 Feb 2025 

    Family 2 AncestorsEliza FISHER,   b. Between 1834 and 1836, Bradford On Avon, Wiltshire, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 29 Mar 1904, York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 70 years) 
    Marriage 27 Jan 1856  York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Newly Completed Anglican Church
    Certificate of Marriage Have 
    Reference Number #920 
    +1. Emily TREW,   b. 14 May 1856, York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 4 Feb 1950, Beverley, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 93 years)
    â–» Thomas Henry SHARMAN  m. 3 Sep 1884
     2. James TREW,   b. 1858, York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 30 Aug 1937, Sawyers Valley, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 79 years)
    +3. George Walter TREW,   b. 15 Sep 1860, York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 24 Dec 1930, Sawyers Valley, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 70 years)
    â–» Sarah Ann ANDERSON  m. 20 Mar 1882;   Emma Jane SMITH  m. 8 Jun 1915
     4. Frederick Henry TREW,   b. 1863, York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 8 Dec 1882, York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 19 years)
    +5. Samuel TREW,   b. 1866, York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 22 Dec 1916, Meekatharra, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 50 years)
    â–» Margaret MOLSTER  m. 23 Jan 1895
    +6. Harriet Ellenor TREW,   b. 10 Feb 1869, York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 23 Nov 1913 (Age 44 years)
    â–» Alfred George NEWPORT  m. 5 Apr 1904
    +7. Nathaniel Eli TREW,   b. 1871, York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 13 Feb 1965, Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 94 years)
    â–» Jane Matilda FORD  m. 21 Sep 1898
     8. Sarah Jane TREW,   b. 1873, York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 27 Jun 1898, Geraldton, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 25 years)
    +9. Edward Henry TREW,   b. 1875, York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1 Oct 1954, York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 79 years)
    â–» Selina Mabel MCGLINN  m. 1900
     10. Mary TREW,   b. 1 Mar 1878, York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1 Mar 1878, York, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 0 years)
    Convict 1584 George Trew
    George Trew and family
    by Glenys Newport - 2023
    Family ID F316  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 2 Feb 2025 

  • Event Map Click to hide
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 10 Dec 1827 - Framlingham, Suffolk, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBaptism - 3 Jun 1832 - Framlingham, Suffolk, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - Bef 1850 - England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsImmigration: Dep. - Per "Dudbrook" - 22 Nov 1852 - Plymouth, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsImmigration: Arr. - Per "Dudbrook" (listed as Frew) - 2 Feb 1853 - Western Australia, Australia Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 27 Jan 1856 - York, Western Australia, Australia Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 31 Dec 1859 - York, Western Australia, Australia Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - Cause: Heart Failure - 6 Jan 1905 - York, Western Australia, Australia Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - 7 Jan 1905 - Cemetery, York, Western Australia, Australia Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Histories
    Name Meaning
    Convict 1584 George Trew
    George Trew and family
    by Glenys Newport - 2023



    Unmarked Grave

    Convict Records
    Trew: Convict #1584
    George Trew


  • Notes 
    • HAIR: Light Brown
      EYES: Blue
      HEIGHT: 5ft 51/4 inches
      WEIGHT: 10st 12lb
      DESCRIPTION: Oval Face, Fair complexion, Stout Build; Scar over left eyebrow & on left thumb

      He was known in the 1859 census, to be working as a Labourer and as a shepherd and grazier with A.S. Clarke, farmer.
      George and Eliza lived at "Cut Hill", York. In 1867 he purchased from George Fisher (Jnr.), his brother-in-law, approximately twenty five acres of land on the outskirts of York for the sum of thirty five pounds. He was now 39 years of age and was to keep this land for the remainder of his life. His occupation was shown as farmer in the 1870's.

      Also found Walter Samuel Trew b. Dorset England 1847, d. 1900 York WA

      George Trew listed in York Census 1859 as Labourer. Was Shepard & grazier with A. S. Clarke, a farmer by 1870's. Employed 10 T/L men on occasions 1864-1881.

      It is now known that his wife Harriet (nee FRIEND) had died in 1853, and his son William orphaned. I am currently investigating the possibility that Harriet's uncle, Henry FRIEND adopted/fostered this little boy, as he and his wife were childless. They have a "son" in the 1861 census listed as William FRIEND, who is 11 years old. I cannot find them ever having any children, therefore, I believe this William is actually William TREW, George & Harriet's son.

      George TREW's second marriage certificate shows George as a Labourer, residing in the York district and a widower. (Harriet TREW, his first wife, had died at Parham on 6.9.1853 - nothing proved yet as to the fate of their son, William)

      In 1867 he purchased from George FISHER (Jnr.), his brother-in-law, approximately twenty five acres of land on the outskirts of York for the sum of thirty five pounds. He was now 39 years of age and was to keep this land for the remainder of his life. His occupation was shown as farmer in the 1870's.

      Eliza died in March, 1904 aged 68 yrs and George followed on 6th January, 1905 aged 78 yrs. The "Eastern Districts Chronicle" reported both events:

      Saturday, April 2, 1904
      Death - A very old resident of this district, Mrs. George Trew, died on Monday night last, at the age of 68 years. The deceased had been ill for some time past, and owing to the serious nature of her ailment the end was not unexpected. The funeral took place on Wednesday morning, and a large number of relatives and friends attended. Many floral tributes were sent by sympathising friends. Deceased leaves a husband and a large family of grown up sons and daughters to mourn their loss. The Ven. Archdeacon Barton-Parkes officiated at the grave.

      Saturday, January 7, 1905
      It is with regret that we record the demise of a very old and respected resident of this district, in the person of Mr. George Trew, which sad event took place at his residence on Friday morning. Although deceased had attained the ripe age of 82 years (*sic), his death was unexpected. He retired on Thursday night apparently in the best of health, and was found dead in his bed on Friday morning, the cause of death being heart failure. The funeral will leave his late residence this afternoon at 4 o'clock for the York cemetery, and will pass through the town at about 4.30

      Saturday, January 14, 1905
      Funeral of Mr. George Trew - The large number of townsfolk who attended the funeral of the late Mr. George Trew on Saturday afternoon last bore ample testimony to the respect in which he was held. The cortege moved from his late residence about four o'clock, and en route many friends and acquaintances joined the procession which slowly wended its way to the Anglican Cemetery at the base of Mt. Brown.

      Both George and Eliza TREW are buried in the York cemetery in graves which are now unmarked and location unknown. Plot numbers were not recorded in the shire cemetery records until 1936. Gail Pascoe is currently trying to discover the general whereabouts of the graves, and have a fairly "good idea" as to the approximate area. In his will, George left four acres of his land to a son Henry Edward, and the balance to another son, Nathaniel Eli.

      His estate was valued at sixty nine pounds, ten shillings, consisting of land valued at eighty pounds, less ten pounds ten shillings owed to a medical practitioner.

      The road past the land he once owned is now named TREWS ROAD and a few of his children continued to live in York for many years. Others chose to live in the areas of Beverley, Sawyers Valley, Geraldton and Roeburne.

      After George's death, his son Nathaniel, purchased the property next door. This block consisted of 12 acres. It is not known as yet whether the original land was sold to pay for it after compensating his brother Edward, or if they then owned the two properties.

      Photo of George TREW's 4th child, George Walter TREW, together with his 2 sons and daughter.
      L-R standing: Maurice (Morrie) Trew, George Walter Trew
      Sitting: Eleanor (Nellie) Trew, Percy Trew (Groom)

      Mrs. Gail Pascoe

  • Reference  Your Name Here. "George TREW". Brady Family Tree in Western Australia. (accessed February 17, 2025).

  • Sources 
    1. [S271], Gail Darrelle Pascoe (nee James), Some Information Submitted by Gail Darrelle Pascoe (nee James).

    2. [S71] Rica Erickson, Bicentennial Dictionary of Western Australia pre-1829-1888 Vol III R-Z, Bicentennial Dictionary of Western Australia pre-1829-1888 Vol III R-Z.

    3. [S315] Heather Joy Goodman (nee Trew), Some Information Submitted by Heather Joy Goodman (nee Trew).

    4. [S156] Rica Erickson and Gillian O'Mara, Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887, TREW George (see FREW George 1584) Page 557 FREW (TREW) George (1584) Page 200.

    5. [S1015], State Records Office of Western Australia,

    6. [S954] Trove, Family Notices. (1867, August 14). The Inquirer & Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901), p. 2. Retrieved May 24, 2013, from

    7. [S954] Trove, Classified Advertising. (1867, September 27). The Perth Gazette and West Australian Times (WA : 1864 - 1874), p. 2. Retrieved May 24, 2013, from

    8. [S954] Trove, Classified Advertising. (1867, October 4). The Perth Gazette and West Australian Times (WA : 1864 - 1874), p. 1. Retrieved May 24, 2013, from

    9. [S954] Trove, YORK ROADS BOARD. (1874, December 29). The Western Australian Times (Perth, WA : 1874 - 1879), p. 3. Retrieved May 24, 2013, from

    10. [S954] Trove, COUNTRY NEWS. (1875, March 27). The Herald (Fremantle, WA : 1867 - 1886), p. 3. Retrieved January 21, 2014, from

    11. [S954] Trove, YORK. (1876, March 8). The Inquirer & Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901), p. 1 Supplement: SUPPLEMENT to the INQUIRER.. Retrieved May 24, 2013, from

    12. [S954] Trove, YORK. (1876, June 21). The Inquirer & Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901), p. 4. Retrieved May 24, 2013, from

    13. [S954] Trove, NEW OF THE WEEK. (1890, October 4). Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved May 24, 2013, from

    14. [S954] Trove, ACCIDENT AT YORK. (1896, October 5). The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1950), p. 2. Retrieved May 24, 2013, from

    15. [S954] Trove, A HUNTING ACCIDENT. (1896, October 6). Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 - 1950), p. 3. Retrieved May 24, 2013, from

    16. [S954] Trove, DEATH OF MR GEORGE TREW. (1905, January 7). Eastern Districts Chronicle (York, WA : 1877 - 1927), p. 3. Retrieved October 8, 2014, from

    17. [S954] Trove, DEATH OF MR GEORGE TREW. (1905, January 7). Eastern Districts Chronicle (York, WA : 1877 - 1927), p. 3. Retrieved October 8, 2014, from

    18. [S336], IGI Record.