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Parham, Suffolk, England is a parish in the Hundred of Plomesgate, Deanery of Loes and Union of Plomesgate. In size Parham covers an area of 2215 acres (1912) and over the years farming has produced poultry, pigs, horses, cattle, sheep and goats as well as barley, wheat, rye, oats, peas, vetches, hops and occasionally hemp.
The number of inhabited houses and the population has not changed much since about 1851.
Year Houses
1674; 48
1801; 48 Population 399
1851; 105 Population 532
1871; 99 Population 477
1901; 89 Population 375
1951; 94 Population 339
1981; 101 Population 285
Other information located is as follows.
Year 1831 532 Inhabitants
89 in agriculture
17 in retail trade
3 professionals
16 labourers
25 In domestic service and 9 others.
Year 1844
2 shopkeepers
2 shoemakers
corn miller
school mistress
and 11 farmers.
Year 1971 - 271 Inhabitants.
Roads run to Marlesford, Cransford, Framlingham, easton and Hatcheston while carriers pass through on their way to Ipswich on Monday and Friday (1891). The River Ore passes through the parish from the southwest.
Robert worked as a labourer and when he was about twenty years of age, he was living in Rendlesham, a neighbouring parish, where he met a young woman by the name of Martha CARR from Marlesford. Following a liaison between the two, Martha became pregnant, following which, a daughter name unknown, was born in December 1790.
A Bastardy Bond Order made 2 February 1791 named Robert and Martha as the parents. Details of the order are as follows. (At this time f = s unless it was used as a capital letter or to make a plural.)
SUFFOLK The order of Edmund Jenny Esq. & Richard Frank Clerk. Two of his Majefty's Juftices of the peace in, and for the faid County. One whereof is of the Quorum, and both refiding next unto the Limits of the Parifh-Church, within the Parifh of Marlesford in the faid County made the Second Day of February 1791 concerning a Female Baftard Child, lately born in the Parifh of Marlesford aforefaid, of the body of Martha Carr fingle Woman.
WHEREAS it hath appeared unto us the faid Juftices, as well upon the Complaint of the Churchwardens and Overfeers of the Poor of the faid Parifh of Marlesford as upon oath of the faid Martha Carr that fhe, the faid Martha Carr on the --- Day of December now laft paft, was delivered of a female Baftard Child at--------in the faid Parifh of Marlesford in the faid County and that the faid Female Baftard Child is likely to be chargeable to the faid parifh of Marlesford and thereby to the Guardians of the Poor within the Hundred of Loes and Wilford in the faid County of Suffolk and further, that Robert Fairweather of Rendlesham in the faid County Labourer did beget the faid Baftard Child on the Body of her the faid Martha Carr and whereas the said Robert Fairweather hath this day appeared before us but hath not shown any cause why he should not be adjudged the reputed father of the faid Bastard Child.
We therefore, upon Examination of the Caufe and Circumftances of the premifes, as well upon oath of the faid Matha Carr as otherwife, do hereby adjudge him the faid Robert Fairweather to be the reputed Father of the faid Baftard Child.
And thereupon we do order, as well for the better Relief of the faid Parifh of Marlesford as for the Suftentation and Relief of the faid Baftard Child, that the faid Robert Fairweather fhall and do forthwith, upon notice of this Order, pay, or caufe to be paid, to the faid Guardians of the Hundreds aforefaid, for the Time being, the sum of One Shilling Weekly and every Week, from the prefent Time, for and towards the Keeping, Suftentation, and Maintenance of the faid Baftard Child, for and during fo long Time as the faid Baftard Child fhall be chargeable to the faid Parifh of Marlesford and thereby to the faid Guardians of the Poor within the faid Hundreds.
And we do further order that the faid Martha Carr fhall also pay, or caufe to be paid to the faid Guardians of the Hundreds aforefaid for the Time being, the Sum of Six Pence Weekly and every Week, fo long as the faid Baftard Child fhall be chargeable to the faid Parifh of Marlesford and thereby to the faid Guardians of the Poor within the faid Hundreds in café fhe fhall not nurfe and take care of the faid Child herfelf.
Given under our Hands and Seals, the Day and Year firft above written.
The fate of the child is unknown at this time.
Mr Eric Leslie Hansen - - 2003